Planting and Garden Maintanance Services

Elevate Your Property with Premier Planting and Garden Maintenance Services


At BeeGreen Landscaping, we excel in enhancing your gardens and green spaces through our specialized planting services. Whether you’re looking to introduce vibrant flowers, lush indoor plants in Canada, or invest in large indoor plant pots for an aesthetically pleasing indoor oasis, our team has got you covered. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for greenery, we assist in selecting the perfect flowers and trees, including options for plant hangers and indoor planter designs, ensuring they complement your space beautifully. Our expertise extends to optimizing indoor plant soil, integrating big indoor plant pots into your décor, and installing efficient indoor plant watering systems, making garden care effortless and enjoyable.

What Plants To Choose?

Selecting the right plants is crucial for creating a harmonious and thriving garden. At BeeGreen Landscaping, we guide you through the vast array of plant varieties, focusing on those well-suited to your specific location’s sun exposure, soil type, and climate. This careful selection ensures optimal growth, aesthetics, and garden maintenance efficiency.

Why Is Choosing The Right Plants So Important?

  • Each plant species has unique requirements and characteristics.
  • Choosing the right plants ensures they are well-suited to your garden’s specific conditions.
  • Carefully considering factors such as sunlight exposure, soil type, moisture levels, and climate is crucial.
  • Creating a harmonious and thriving garden landscape that requires minimal maintenance and intervention.
  • Choosing species adapted to your region promotes biodiversity and ecosystem health.
  • Supporting local wildlife and contributing to a sustainable and resilient environment.
Planting Service In Burlington
Garden Bed Planting With Pink Hydrangeas

When Is The Best Time To Plant?

Timing is everything in planting. While spring and fall offer the ideal conditions for most plants, we tailor our planting services to the specific needs of your chosen greenery, ensuring successful establishment whether they prefer cooler or warmer conditions.

  • Planting can be done throughout the year, but spring and fall are typically the best times for most plants, as temperatures are moderate, and soil moisture levels are optimal for root establishment.
  • Consider the specific needs and preferences of the plants you are installing, as some may prefer cooler temperatures or moist soil conditions, while others may be more tolerant of heat or drought.

Our Plant Installation Procedure

  • Site Assessment: We assess your garden beds or landscape to determine the best locations for planting, taking into account factors such as sun exposure, soil quality, drainage, and existing vegetation.
  • Plant Selection: Based on your preferences, design goals, and site conditions, we help you select suitable plants that thrive in your local climate and soil conditions, ensuring long-term success and minimal maintenance.
  • Preparation: We prepare the garden area by clearing debris, weeds, and competing vegetation, and loosening the soil to improve aeration and drainage. We may also amend the soil with organic matter or fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for plant growth.
  • Planting Technique: Using proper planting techniques, we carefully remove plants from their containers, gently tease apart tangled roots, and place them at the appropriate depth in the soil, ensuring that the root ball is level with or slightly above the soil surface.
  • Backfilling and Watering: We backfill the planting hole with soil, gently firming it around the root ball to eliminate air pockets. We water newly planted gardens thoroughly to settle the soil and promote root establishment, adjusting irrigation as needed to maintain consistent soil moisture levels.
  • Mulching and Maintenance: We apply a layer of mulch around newly planted plants to conserve soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and protect roots from temperature fluctuations. We provide guidance on post-planting care, such as watering, fertilization, pruning, and pest management, to help your plants thrive and flourish in their new environment.
  • Monitoring and Follow-Up: We monitor newly planted plants closely for signs of stress, disease, or pest damage, intervening promptly to address any issues and ensure their successful establishment. We may also schedule follow-up visits to check on growth progress and provide additional care as needed during the critical establishment period.
New Plants In Garden Bed

Transform Your Landscape With Our Expertise

Opting for BeeGreen Landscaping’s garden maintenance services means choosing a partner dedicated to the beauty and health of your green spaces. Our expertise in species selection, coupled with our commitment to sustainable garden maintenance practices, ensures your garden not only thrives but becomes a testament to your dedication to an environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing outdoor environment.

Reach out to BeeGreen Landscaping today to discover how our services can transform your property into a lush, vibrant landscape, beautifully designed and meticulously maintained for long-term enjoyment and sustainability.


We have a wide range of other services that we off to help get your property looking it’s best. From our general garden maintenance, custom landscape designs, soil amendment to sod installation. You can count on Beegreen Landscaping to get the job done right every time. 

grass sod



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